Supporting Tasmanian Small Business

Seedlab Tasmania was a unique, proven and independent incubator and accelerator program, for businesses producing fresh, and value-added food and drink products, and other consumer products for local, interstate and international markets. Seedlab Tasmania was supported by a range of sponsors, most recently by the Tasmanian Government through the Department of State Growth. The program has now ceased.

The Seedlab Team is a close-knit small group of industry experts with a combined 185+ years of relevant experience in diverse and complementary business areas. Trust is our number one value, and I can honestly say that I have never before worked with such a passionate, committed and generous group of people in my life. They have gone above and beyond for the Seedlab Tasmania participants, and they have done this from their hearts. That is why the community we have built, of empowered, energised and connected founders, has developed. It takes a village, and I love ours!

– Dr Hazel MacTavish-West | Co-Founder, Seedlab Tasmania